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Written by the team at—JPM’s online channel for young adults.

The hustle. The daily grind.

The world says you can’t stop until you’ve achieved your dreams, and in order to succeed, you’ve got to hustle, hard. Maybe you’re wondering if it’s alright for you to even pause in the midst of all the busyness. Surely someone else will overtake you if you so much as take a breather.

But the truth is, with God, you can find rest in the hustle and here are three reasons for that:

1. Success comes with a price, but it’s already been paid for

Weekends back in the office, horrible sleep patterns, and having no time for yourself or your loved ones. That’s just the cost of success in this world, right?

Well the truth is, at the cross, Jesus Christ paid the full price for every blessing you get to enjoy today. He came that you may have and enjoy life to its fullest (John 10:10).

And while the world says “no pain, no gain,” God has promised in His Word that “The blessing of the Lord brings [true] riches, and He adds no sorrow to it [for it comes as a blessing from God]” (Prov. 10:22 AMP).

So, success has a price. The bill just doesn’t have to be footed by you because Jesus paid it on your behalf, in advance, when He hung on the cross. There, He removed all distance between us and a holy God by bearing the punishment for all our sins, giving us access to all of His blessings—including success without the crazy stress.

The Lord has made His finished work your starting point. You aren’t striving to obtain success but you can confidently pursue your dreams from a posture of rest, knowing that the Lord has already paid for your (future) success, even if you aren’t seeing it just yet.

2. God has no Plan B

No amount of smarts or market foresight can give you the full assurance that every decision you make will always be the right one.

Sometimes, we’re faced with multiple opportunities that may all seem good, but how do we pick which is truly the “best” or “right” one today that will still be a good choice tomorrow?

We won’t always know how to make the best decisions for our own lives, but God does. The Word tells us, “A man’s mind plans his way [as he journeys through life], but the Lord directs his steps and establishes them” (Prov. 16:9 AMP).

So we don’t have to worry that we’ll miss out on opportunities in life if we make the wrong decisions. As you involve the Lord in the choices you make from day to day, He can guide you to make the best decisions, and even turn the not-so-great ones around for your good.

On that note, the best advice to not panic and freak out when the hustle gets real is to remember that . . .

3. God’s heart toward you is always good

The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:28 (NLT) that “God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

If there’s one thing to remember while you’re wondering how to stay ahead of the competition or trying to grab at opportunities without considering whether they’re actually good for you, it’s that God can cause everything to work together for your good.

And by everything, we mean even the decisions you’re still kicking yourself in regret over.

We’ve seen time and again in the Bible how God has turned many stories around—from Joseph’s unfavorable prison circumstances, to Abraham’s self-preserving lies about his wife.

Still, we hustle so hard because we’re afraid that if we don’t, no one else will have our backs.

But God’s Word tells us that His glory shall be our rear guard (Isa. 58:8), and that when we cast our cares to Him, He will sustain us (Ps. 55:22 NIV).

Of course, none of this is an excuse to not work hard or be excellent in our work, for the Bible also says that those unwilling to work will not get to eat.

But today, you can put your faith not in your accomplishments or the numbers in your bank account, but in the firm foundation that God’s got your back and His heart toward you is all good.

We can pursue our dreams and ambitions knowing that God’s got our best interests at heart. We can look at every closed door knowing that they aren’t missed opportunities but God’s redirections to better things. And we can live with our hearts freer, knowing that we’ll never be found outside God’s best plans for our lives—even on the days that we make mistakes.

That’s why we can find rest in the hustle.

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