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Receive Your Provision with God's Prophetic Visions

Part 5 of 6 of Receive Your Breakthrough with God’s Hazon Visions.

Right now, I’m in need of a job / money to pay my bills / any other practical need . . . Can I ask the Lord for a hazon vision for practical provision?

Of course! Our Lord is a very practical God. He provided fishermen who had not caught any fish all night a net-breaking, boat-sinking load of fish. When 5,000 men, not counting women and children, who had followed Him to a deserted place were hungry, the Lord multiplied a small boy’s lunch to feed them with enough leftovers to fill twelve baskets. My friend, these are positive faith-filled pictures to hold close to your heart as you look to Him in your particular area of lack.

When the fear of not having enough hits and threatens to obliterate any prospect of a safe and good future, I know it can be hard to not be consumed with the largeness of your lack or the smallness of your own resources. If that’s you right now, can I invite you to just cast all your worries and fears to the Lord and see His heart to always want to supply you with more than enough?

Whenever you’re concerned about where practical supply is going to come from, let His promise guard your heart: “God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others” (2 Cor. 9:8 NLT). Oh, I pray you’re catching His vision for you right now—to always be abundantly provided for and blessed to a blessing wherever you go! It’s a vision and word you can stand on because it’s been paid for by Jesus’ finished work at the cross (2 Cor. 8:9, Rom. 8:32).

As you hold on to such scriptures, you’ll see His favor activated in your area of need. You’ll find Him moving in your circumstances, and bringing the right people and opportunities to you.

Let me share with you a praise report that I received from Andy*, a brother in Utah, who had written to me to share how the Lord provided him with a dream job even when, in the natural, things seemed to be impossible. He said:

I had been going for interviews and getting rejected for months on end. I felt depressed that nothing seemed to be changing [amid the COVID-19 pandemic] and tried to keep going and to have faith.

One day I watched one of Pastor Prince’s sermons on speaking out our faith, I started practicing that. I began to see and declare that just one touch of the Lord’s favor can catapult me to the top, and that He can make up for any time I’d lost. For the first time in my life, I was praising God before receiving my breakthrough.

Not long after, Andy received a job offer from his dream company and was offered more than double his previous pay. The Lord even used an interview Andy had with another company three days earlier to refine his answers for the same interview question for this job and clinch the deal.

I’m so encouraged to read testimonies like Andy’s and am reminded of the Lord’s faithful love for His people, and I hope you are too. I also love the spirit of faith that precious folks like Andy carry. When fears of looming unemployment and financial hardship strike, they turn to the Lord and begin to exercise their faith by seeing God’s love and promises for them. To fill your heart with more faith pictures, I encourage you to read the praise reports section.

In Andy’s case, he saw how God’s favor could catapult him to his desired outcome. My friend, I want to strengthen you with this truth: The Lord is no respecter of persons. What He has done for Andy and others like him, He can do also for you!

*Name of the testimony giver has been changed to protect his privacy.

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